The Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE), as the largest and most important official information agency in Brazil and one of the biggest in the world, calls upon the technical contribution of all data producers and users to gather in the city of Rio de Janeiro between July 29 and August 2, 2024, for the National Conference of Data Producers and Users - National Sovereignty in Geosciences, Statistics, and Data: Risks and Opportunities for Brazil in the Digital Era.
This initiative, successfully celebrated in the past and as part of the historical IBGE conferences under the title CONFEST/CONFEGE, aims at discussing the risks and opportunities which derive from the current governance in the Digital Era, and at addressing the consolidation of the National System of Geosciences, Statistics and Data (SINGED).
Since it is mainly operated by giant companies that are bigger than countries, digital inequality has taken on new dimensions, even deeper than the traditional exclusion and poverty that were typical of the old Industrial Age.
Without public regulation, the sovereignty of nations is increasingly compromised. For the second quarter of the 21st century, new governance presupposes democratic and transparent global parameters, constitutive of the regulation of the digital universe, the possible fruit of the participatory conciliation of nations.
In this global context, the IBGE is proposing, on the other hand, the consolidation of SINGED through urgent, transparent, and democratic dialogue with the participation of all data producers and users, in an attempt to define the basis of the Brazilian digital constitution project.
For this purpose, the Conference National Sovereignty in Geosciences, Statistics and Data: Brazil's risks and opportunities in the Digital Era will have three structuring axes: (i) Governance; (ii) Technology and Data; and (iii) Dissemination and Communication.