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Minicurso 1 :Building a practical guide to Data Integration for Official Statistics

Instructor: Jenine Borowik (Australian Bureau of Statistics)


The Modernstats Data Integration Project is creating the first version of a practical Guide to Data Integration for Official Statistics. The guide aims to provide useful information to people undertaking different types of data integration for official statistics. These include:

  • Integrating survey and administrative sources, Integrating new data sources with traditional sources,
  • Integrating geospatial and statistical information, and
  • Using data integration for validating official statistics.

This short course will use presentations, group work and plenary discussion to cover the approaches used in different projects and experiments. During the course, participants will be given the opportunity to contribute to international thinking on data integration by contributing to the guide’s content. In the process, those not familiar with the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe Wiki system will also gain some experience in interacting with colleagues across the world through this platform.

Maximum course size: 20.

Language: The course will be in English

Pre-requisites: Participants should have some knowledge of and/or practical experience in data integration methods, technologies, experiments, architectures or models (including governance, management, partnerships etc.).

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