A. Using Internet self-response as a collection mode
1. Advantages of internet collection
2. Challenges with internet collection
3. Requirements for data collection with Internet
4. Implementation of internet
a) Full implementation VS first step towards more Internet in future censuses
B. Collection Methodology
1. Multi-mode collection (Internet vs Paper vs Interview?)
2. Multi-phase contact approach
a) Choosing the most appropriate contact approach
1. Canadian example,
2. Other examples of multi-phase approaches used in different countries
C. Contact and communication strategy
1. Mode of contact, type of material, delivery method
2. The communication strategy
a) Invitation and reminders: the message, format, content and timing of the material
b) Aligned public communications program,
D. Online questionnaires and other systems issues
1. Development of data collection application and portal
2. Identification and authentication of respondents
3. Design and format of the online questionnaire
4. Capacity, security and other systems issues
E. Support to respondents
F. Management and monitoring of Internet response
1. Support systems and infrastructure (Master Control System)
2. Wave Model
3. Tracking response, prevention of duplicate responses
4. Coordination with non-response follow-up
G. Testing and evaluation strategy