National Sovereignty in Geosciences, Statistics and DataRisks and opportunities for Brazil in the Digital Era

Note: Authorities invited to take part in the event can send representatives, participate remotely or send a video.

Email for questions:

July 29th, Monday

7am to 8am


8am to 8:30am

  • Gulnar Azevedo, rector of Rio de Janeiro State University - UERJ
  • Marcio Pochmann, President of the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics - IBGE

International Opening

8:30am to 9am

  • José Manuel Salazar-Xirinachs, secretário executivo da Comissão Econômica para a América Latina e o Caribe – CEPAL, representate de António Guterres, secretário geral da Organização das Nações Unidas - ONU

National Opening

9am to 10:30am

Composição da mesa e falas das autoridades


  • Carlos Lupi, Ministro de Estado da Previdência Social
  • Evanio Antonio de Araujo Junior, Secretário de Gestão da Informação, Inovação e Avaliação de Políticas Educacionais, representando o Ministro da Educação, Camilo Santana
  • Carlos Henrique de Castro Ribeiro, Superintendente da Controladoria Regional da União no Rio de Janeiro, representando o Ministro da Controladoria-Geral da União, Vinicius Marques de Carvalho
  • Danilo Cabral, Superintendente da SUDENE
  • Alexandre Ribeiro Mota, Presidente da FUNASA
  • Jorge Luiz Numa Abrahão, Diretor-Presidente do Instituto Cidades Sustentáveis – ICS

Formalização de Parcerias

10:30am to 11am

Previdência Social; Ministério da Educação; SUDENE; FUNASA; ICS e UERJ

Closing session

11:30am to 12pm

  • Gulnar Azevedo, rector of Rio de Janeiro State University - UERJ
  • Marcio Pochmann, President of the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics - IBGE

Round table

2pm to 5pm

Technological risks and opportunities for the public and private sectors

Moderator: Marcos Mazoni, diretor de Tecnologia da Informação do Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística - IBGE


  • Danilo Cabral, Superintendent of the Superintendence for the Development of Brazilian Northeast - SUDENE
  • Alexandre Ribeiro Mota, President of the National Health Foundation - FUNASA
  • Paulo Câmara, President of Bank of Northeast Brazil
  • Matheus Souza, Chief Innovation Officer para a SAP América Latina e Caribe (LAC)
  • Vicente Moliterno, diretor de vendas para o setor público da Dell Technologies
  • Felipe Daud, Director of Government Relations at Alibaba (*)
  • Rodrigo Assumpção, President of the Social Security Information and Technology Company - Dataprev
  • Alexandre Amorim, President of the Federal Data Processing Service - Serpro
  • Ronan Damasco, National Director of Technology at Microsoft (**)
  • Rogério Mascarenhas - Secretário de Governo Digital do Ministério da Gestão e da Inovação em Serviços Públicos

Round table

5pm to 6pm

The risks and opportunities of the Digital Era for Culture

Em função de agenda, a mesa "Os riscos e oportunidades da Era Digital para a Cultura" foi transferida para a próxima quinta-feira (01/08), no mesmo horário, das 5pm to 6pm, no Auditório Capela Ecumênica.

Moderator: professor Adair Rocha, Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro - UERJ


  • Margareth Menezes, Minister - Ministry of Culture - MinC
  • Gilberto Gil, former Minister of Culture

(**) Remote participation, recorded on video

July 30th, Tuesday

8am to 9am

System Governance

9am to 12

Round table

Moderator: Elizabeth Hypolito, diretora de pesquisas do Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística - IBGE


  • Ronald Jansen, Diretor Assistente da Divisão de Estatística das Nações Unidas - UNSD (*)
  • Francisco Miguel Garcia Gonçalves de Lima, Presidente do Instituto Nacional de Estatística - INE Portugal (*)
  • Rafael Lopes da Silva, Coordenador-Geral de Demarcação na Secretaria de Patrimônio da União - SPU
  • Dra. Iraneide Soares da Silva, Associação Brasileira de Pesquisadores/as Negros/as - ABPN (*)
  • Renato Sérgio de Lima, diretor-presidente do Fórum Brasileiro de Segurança Pública - FBSP
  • Miriam Barbuda Fernandes Chaves - Assessora Especial do Ministério da Gestão e da Inovação em Serviços Públicos (*)

2pm to 5pm

Working groups

WG1: SINGED values and general guidelines

Recommend values and guidelines that should be followed by institutions and organizations comprising SINGED and in the relations with users.
Discuss possible governance models; alternatives for sharing data; admission to the System; roles and responsibilities of the institutions; dialogue mechanisms between institutions; and propose alternatives to be recommended.

Coordinators: Sidneia Cardoso, Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics / Directorate of Surveys - IBGE/DPE and Rafael March, Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics / Directorate of Geosciences - IBGE/DGC

10 minutos - Apresentação do IBGE como subsídios para o debate na Confest Confege:
Grupo 9 – Marcelo Benedicto Ferreira, Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística / Coordenação de Comunicação Social – IBGE/CCS


  • Fernando Alberto G Sampaio C Rocha, Chief of the Statistics Department of the Central Bank of Brazil - BC/DSTAT
  • Fábio Pereira Bravin, Deputy Director of Educational Statistics of the National Institute of Educational Studies and Research Anísio Teixeira - INEP
  • Ernesto da Silva Filho, Director of Digital Public Services Platforms at the Secretariat of Digital Government of the Ministry of Management and Innovation in Public Services - MGI

WG2: System composition

Established to:
Indicate institutions, organizations and councils that will comprise SINGED, their functions and responsibilities, and all the aspects of managing geoscientific and statistical information and data, including appropriate coordination and supervision to meet national priorities.
Establish criteria for the admission and identification of system members; Identify actors adjacent to SINGED, as well as propose forms of interaction with multiple actors (governments, civil society, private sector, academia); Suggest instances to be created (committees and working groups, among others), as well as improved discussion forums.

Coordinators: Denise Kronemberger, Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics / Presidency - IBGE/PR and Maria Luisa da Fonseca Pimenta, Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics / Directorate of Geosciences - IBGE/DGC

10 minutos - Apresentação do IBGE como subsídios para o debate na Confest Confege:
Grupo 1 – Maria Luisa da Fonseca Pimenta, Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística / Diretoria de Geociências – IBGE/DGC


  • José Acácio Ferreira, President of the National Association of Planning, Research and Statistics Institutions - Anipese Estatística – Anipes
  • José Eduardo Bueno de Oliveira, Director of the Information Technology Department of the Unified Health System - DATASUS
  • Gabriel Pansani Siqueira, diretor-presidente do Instituto Governança de Terras (IGT)

WG3: Relevance: society's participation in the system

Established to:
Propose forms of social participation in decision taking on the production and dissemination of data, a key constraint for the production of relevant statistics and essential for SINGED to meet its purpose as a tool for the exercise of citizenship and strengthening of democracy.
Propose mechanisms to identify the needs and priorities of users; Identify feedback mechanisms to assess the relevance and utility of the geoscientific and statistical products; Suggest forms to strengthen the perception of respondents and users in the implementation and definition of the geoscientific and statistical agendas and in the production and use of data; Identify ways for information and data literacy; Improve the dialogue with the external public.

Coordinators: Claudio Stenner, Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics / Directorate of Geosciences - IBGE/DGC and Cláudio Crespo, Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics / Directorate of Surveys - IBGE/DPE

10 minutos - Apresentação do IBGE como subsídios para o debate na Confest Confege:
Grupo 8 – Bianca Walsh, Escola Nacional de Ciências Estatísticas – ENCE


  • Francisco José Pereira de Lima (Preto Zezé), Central Única das Favelas - CUFA
  • Jorge Abrahão, Sustainable Cities Institute - SCI
  • Hesley da Silva Py, Systems Coordinator of the National Agency for Petroleum, Natural Gas and Biofuels - ANP
  • Flávia Oliveira da Fraga - Comentarista da GloboNews, Colunista do Jornal O Globo e Rádio CBN (**)

WG4: Legislation: sovereign governance and new data environment

Objetivo geral:
A partir da análise de leis e modelos de instituições nacionais e internacionais responsáveis por sistemas de informações estatísticas e geocientíficas, propor um marco legal robusto, aos níveis nacional e subnacional, para a regulação de todo o processo de trabalho do SINGED, que seja compatível com a governança soberana e o novo ambiente de dados.
Objetivos específicos: 
Observar a base legal para as atividades estatísticas e geocientíficas vigentes; propor legislação contemplando a definição do modelo de governança, dos papéis e responsabilidades das instituições; Avaliar ônus institucionais diante de rupturas com o modelo; Instituir dispositivos para assegurar a integridade, credibilidade e soberania do Sistema; Sugerir regulação do fluxo de dados e da interoperabilidade da gestão e dos dados geoespaciais e estatísticas oficiais.

Coordinators: Marcia Quintslr, Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics / Directorate of Surveys - IBGE/DPE and Roberto Sant'Anna, Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics / Presidency - IBGE/PR

10 minutos - Apresentação do IBGE como subsídios para o debate na Confest Confege:
Grupo 6 – Renata Moreira Dias Correa, Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística / Gerência de Relações Internacionais - IBGE/GRI


  • Silvia Meza, Instituto Nacional de Estadística y Geografía - INEGI (México) 
  • Alexandre Barbosa, Centro Regional de Estudos para o Desenvolvimento da Sociedade da Informação do Núcleo de Informação e Coordenação do Ponto BR – CETIC/
  • Daniela Nunes de Menezes, Coordenadora-Geral de Governança de Dados

WG5: Quality of institutions, processes and products

Established to:
Update the discussion and analyze the national environment in face of SINGED adhering to quality principles advocated by the Declaration of Shared Guiding Principles to manage geospatial information, the Fundamental Principles of Official Statistics and the national Code of best practices. Analyze the feasibility of adopting tools such as quality certificates or statements.
Analyze the most recent international recommendations and experiences, especially in strengthening the credibility of SINGED and in requirements to incorporate alternative sources of information and data (e.g., Big Data, records, local statistics).

Coordinators: Raquel Rose Correia - Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics / Directorate of Surveys - IBGE/DPE and Renata Curi de Moura Estevão Nagatomi - Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics / Directorate of Geosciences - IBGE/DGC

10 minutos - Apresentação do IBGE como subsídios para o debate na Confest Confege:
Grupo 1 – Renata Curi de Moura Estevao Nagatomi, Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística / Diretoria de Geociências – IBGE/DGC


  • Carlos Torres Freire, Diretor do Centro de Ciência de Dados para Estatísticas Públicas da Fundação SEADE
  • Vagner Ardeo, Deputy Director of the Brazilian Institute of Economics - IBRE of the Getúlio Vargas Foundation - FGV

WG6: Financial resources

Established to:
Analyze financial resources required to establish and maintain an integrated management, as well as the long-term investment program that allows SINGED to respond to the evolution of economic, environmental and social requirements for geoscientific and statistical information and data.
Consider that financial resources will be required to incorporate new data sources, to disseminate data, for training and literacy in information and data; Comply with the Adis Abeba Agenda (2015), of funding for development, which mentions the importance of National Statistical Systems in the generation, dissemination and management of data, which should be complemented with data from civil society, private sector and academia; Identify roles of actors within and around SINGED in the continuous and perennial financial viabilization of the system; Identify forms to articulate and commit with these actors for this end.

Coordinators: Flavia Vinhaes Santos - Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics / Executive Directorate - IBGE/DE and Rose Mary Rodrigues Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics / Executive Directorate - IBGE/DE

10 minutos - Apresentação do IBGE como subsídios para o debate na Confest Confege:
Grupo 3 – Rose Mary Rodrigues, Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística / Diretoria Executiva – IBGE/DE e Flávia Vinhaes Santos, Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística / Diretoria Executiva – IBGE/DE


  • Lorena Ferrer Cavalcanti Randal Pompeu, Under-Secretary of Administration and Strategic Management

WG7: Risks and opportunities for public planning in the Digital Era

This group aims at discussing the risks and opportunities for the planning areas of the Brazilian State. Managers work with more and more complex budgets and increasing expenditures in the technology area, involving the acquisition of services and software, with data servers and information flow in foreign storage structures It is critical to discuss the creation of an integrated planning model of geosciences, statistics and data, the SINGED, an IBGE proposal that underpins this conference. This model will favor the discussion on management, with an impact on the use of resources, and on the reduction of governance costs, thus fostering intelligence and speed in the access to information, as well as in the creation, implementation, monitoring and assessment of public policies in the Digital Era.


  • Marcio Pochmann, President of the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics - IBGE
  • Fabrício Marques Santos, Secretary of Planning, Management and Regional Development of the State of Pernambuco and President of the National Council of State Planning Secretaries
  • Júlio César Monzu Filgueira, Secretary of Planning, Budget and Innovation of the State of Sergipe
  • Denis Maracci Gimenez, Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística / Presidência

WG8: Opportunities for the Northeast in the Digital Era

Established to discuss on the importance of surveys and actions in the Northeast, in several segments, aiming at promoting regional development and considering innovation and technology in the governance and in the role of institutions in face of economic, environmental and social challenges.

Coordinators: Danilo Cabral, Superintendent of SUDENE (Superintendence for the Development of the Northeast)


  • Tânia Bacelar, Partner-Director of the Planning and Economic Consulting - Ceplan (**)
  • Alfredo José Pessoa de Oliveira, President of the Institute of Economic Strategy and Survey of Ceará - IPECE
  • Ana Cristina de Almeida Fernandes, Federal University of Pernambuco - UFPE (**)
  • Paulo de Martino Jannuzzi, Coordinator-General of the National School of Statistical Sciences - ENCE/IBGE

(*) On-line participation
(**) Remote participation, recorded on video

July 31, Wednesday

8am to 9am

Technology and Data

9am to 12pm

Round table – Technology and Data



  • Rolando Ocampo, Director of the Regional Statistics Division of the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean
  • Alexandre Barbosa, Regional Center of Studies for the Development of the Information Society of the Brazilian Network Information Center - CETIC/
  • Ivone Lopes Batista, Director of Geoscience of the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics - IBGE
  • Alan Santos, Diretor de Relacionamento e Negócio da Dataprev
  • Leonardo Souza, chefe da Seção de Estatísticas de Energia da Divisão de Estatística da Organização das Nações Unidas - ONU

2pm to 5pm

Working groups

WG1: Fundamental statistical and geoscientific themes and incorporation of administrative records as official data sources

Considering the demands for social, economic and environmental statistics, the incorporation of administrative records as a source of data becomes a challenge. Different organizations produce a huge volume of information, data and records for a number of purposes. Transforming these records into sources of data for geoscientific and statistical purposes has become a major challenge today.

Coordinators: Claudio Crespo – Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics / Directorate of Surveys - IBGE/DPE


  • Frederico Poley Martins Ferreira, João Pinheiro Foundation and Federal University of Minas Gerais
  • Lucas Ferreira Mation, General-Coordinator of Data Sciences and Information Technology of the Institute for Applied Economic Research - Ipea
  • Mauricio Barreto, Coordinator of the Center of Knowledge and Data Integration for Health (Cidacs), Oswaldo Cruz Foundation - Fiocruz-Bahia

WG2: Big Data challenge

Established to:
Discuss routines and criteria to share data, taking into account the challenges associated with the capture, storage and organization of huge databases, in order to assure appropriate access by means of technological and technical structures, maintaining their integrity.

Coordinators: Marcelo Maranhão, Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics / Directorate of Geosciences - IBGE/DGC

10 minutos - Apresentação do IBGE como subsídios para o debate na Confest Confege:
Grupo 4 – Andrea Diniz da Silva, Escola Nacional de Ciências Estatísticas – ENCE


  • Ivan Barbosa, National Institute for Space Research - INPE
  • Cristiano Cunha, Federal Police, Head of the Geomatics Service and Coordinator of the Managing Committee of the Brasil MAIS Program of the Ministry of Justice and Public Security - MJSP
  • Lucíola Magalhães, Brazilian Agricultural Research Corporation - EMBRAPA
  • Andrea Diniz – National School of Statistical Sciences - ENCE

WG3: Interoperability as a challenge before diversity and data volume

Established to:
Present and discuss different aspects associated with the interoperability, whether semantic, of data or technical. Discuss the interoperability in an environment of data infrastructure, considering the need of different institutions and systems to share and use data in an efficient way. To guarantee the exchange, integration and processing of data, it is required to propose a standardization of the metadata, assure the semantic interoperability and a regulatory effort for the legal coordination among systems in order to assure an efficient governance.

Coordinators: Alexandre José Almeida Teixeira, Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics / Directorate of Geosciences – IBGE/DGC

10 minutos - Apresentação do IBGE como subsídios para o debate na Confest Confege:
Grupo 5 – Cláudio Ananias Ferraz, Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística /Diretoria de Tecnologia da Informação - IBGE/DTI


  • Gabriela Ruberg, Regional Administrative Manager of the Central Bank of Brazil - Bacen
  • Edgar Shinzato, Head of the Department of Institutional Information of the Geological Service of Brazil - CPRM
  • Márcia Cardador, Coordinator-General of Interoperability - Ministry of Management and Innovation in Public Services - MGI
  • Cláudio Ananias Ferraz, Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística - IBGE

WG4: National Data Infrastructure

Discuss the strengthening of a National Data Infrastructure aiming at streamlining the access to official data and foster its use for a number of purposes. The data infrastructures should be based on standards, technologies, procedures and control mechanisms, based on public data and information in the Open Data model, thus improving the electronic administration in the public sector to assure citizens the right to efficiently access public data for decision making.

Coordinators: João Bosco de Azevedo, National School of Statistical Sciences - ENCE

10 minutos - Apresentação do IBGE como subsídios para o debate na Confest Confege:
Grupo 9 – Marcelo Benedicto Ferreira, Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística / Coordenação de Comunicação Social – IBGE/CCS


  • Rogerio Borba, Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics / Directorate of Geosciences – IBGE/DGC
  • Flavia Pedrosa Pereira, Under Secretary for Territorial Planning and Infrastructure Programs of the Ministry of Planning and Budget - MPO
  • Silvana Camboim, Universidade Federal do Paraná - UFPR
  • Rafael Simão de Moraes Jardim, Tribunal de Contas da União - TCU
  • Felipe Cerbella Mandarino, Diretoria de Informações da Cidade do Rio de Janeiro - Instituto Pereira Passos

WG5: Innovation in the integration of surveys and sources of alternative data


  • Maria Paula Ferreira, Manager of Methodology and Statistics of the SEADE Foundation - State System of Data Analysis
  • Felipe Nunes, Founding Partner of Quaest Surveying and Consulting

WG6: National Data Sovereignty

Coordinators: Marcos Vinicius Ferreira Mazoni, Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics / Directorate of Information Technology - IBGE/DTI

10 minutos - Apresentação do IBGE como subsídios para o debate na Confest Confege:
Grupo 7 – Thiego Gonçalves Ferreira Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística/Diretoria de Pesquisas - IBGE/DPE


  • Sergio Amadeo, Federal University of the ABC - UFABC
  • Leticia Bartholo, Secretary of Assessment, Information Management and Single Registry of the Ministry of Development and Social Assistance, Family and Fight against Hunger - MDS
  • Antonio Miguel Vieira Monteiro, National Institute for Space Research - INPE

August 1st, Thursday

8am to 9am


9am to 9:30am

  • Laércio Portela Delgado, Minister of the Social Communication Secretariat of the Presidency of the Republic – Secom

A - Communication and Dissemination

9:30am to 12pm

Round table: Digital cross communication and the risks and opportunities for data producers and users in the Digital Era

Moderator: Juliano Mendonça Domingues da Silva, President of the Brazilian Society of Interdisciplinary Communication Studies - Intercom and André Barbosa Filho, University of São Paulo - USP, Brazilian Institute of Information in Science and Technology - IBICT


  • Nick Couldry, London School of Economics and Political Science – LSE (*)
  • Marco Lucchesi, president of the Brazilian National Library Foundation
  • Pedro Saliba, Data Privacy Brasil
  • Edemilson Paraná, Lappeenranta-Lahti University of Technology - LUT University (*)
  • Geert Lovink, Institute of Network Cultures (*)
  • Denis "Jaromil" Roio, Inventor, Entrepreneur - Foundation (*)
  • Jones Manoel da Silva - historiador, escritor, comunicador e educador popular e doutorando no PPGSS/UFAL

2pm to 5pm

Working groups

WG1 – Communication infrastructure

Communication in the 21st century is increasingly based on platformization, supported by large infrastructures in transportation, storage, processing and consumption of digital data. These infrastructures include increasingly complex physical and logical structures, as well as automation systems with a variety functions. This entire apparatus serves certain business models along with their social implications. The objective of this topic is to understand how these communication infrastructures are organized in Brazil, as well as their political, economic and material impacts.

Coordinators: Leandro Albertini Leite, Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics / Center for Information Documentation and Dissemination - IBGE/CDDI

10 minutos - Apresentação do IBGE como subsídios para o debate na Confest Confege:
Grupo 6 – Márcia Maria Melo Quintslr, Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística/Diretoria de Pesquisas - IBGE/DPE


  • Juliano Mendonça Domingues da Silva, President of the Brazilian Society of Interdisciplinary Communication Studies - Intercom
  • Sivaldo Pereira, University of Brasília - UnB
  • Catarina Felix dos Santos Soares, Gerência de Biblioteca, Informação e Memória – IBGE
  • Augusto Magalhães Pinto de Mendonça, Department of Web Services and Infrastructure - IBGE
  • Fernando Mendonça de Almeida, Department of Web Services and Infrastructure - IBGE
  • Rodrigo Faria de Almeida Rego, Department of Innovation and Development - IBGE
  • Roberto Stoeterau, Department of Publication and Content Management - IBGE

WG2 – Data production, dissemination and certification

Government agencies produce a variety of information about the cycle of public policies, including not only detailed considerations about the expansion of citizenship rights, but also data about the relationship between the citizen and the government. Opportunities for the dissemination of information of this kind can increase with the aid of new formats and forms of support that make it even more necessary to ensure data protection and authenticity.

Coordinators: Luciana Ferreira Lau, Department of Library, Information and Memory – IBGE

10 minutos - Apresentação do IBGE como subsídios para o debate na Confest Confege:
Grupo 7 – Danielle Chaves de Oliveira, Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística/Diretoria de Pesquisas - IBGE/DPE


  • Danilo Rothberg, São Paulo State University - Unesp
  • Iluska Coutinho, Federal University of Juiz de Fora - UFJF
  • Antonio Lassance, Institute for Applied Economic Research - Ipea
  • Diana Paula de Souza, Department of Content and Promotion - IBGE
  • Ana Laura Moura dos Santos Azevedo, Department of Content and Promotion - IBGE

WG3 - Data sovereignty

Global flows of data can represent, in some countries, loss of sovereignty as they generate technological dependence and asymmetrical relationships with other parties, including corporations, economic blocs or nations. In a scenario where data grow in value and clearly become an asset as the raw material for a new industry, it is necessary to establish protocols, norms, and have regulating entities and public policies to protect the user. Data sovereignty means having the State play this role as a protector, thus ensuring that the data collected in a territory will be subject to the laws applicable there. Privacy protection, data security and the limits imposed to digital surveillance are important dimensions in this context.

Coordinators: Aline Pedro Carneiro Damacena, Department of Publishing - IBGE

10 minutos - Apresentação do IBGE como subsídios para o debate na Confest Confege:
Grupo 5 – Cláudio Ananias Ferraz, Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística /Diretoria de Tecnologia da Informação - IBGE/DTI


  • Fernando Paulino, University of Brasília - UnB
  • César Bolaño, Federal University of Sergipe - UFS
  • André Barbosa Filho, University of São Paulo - USP, Brazilian Institute of Information in Science and Technology - IBICT
  • Professor Rodolfo Avelino, CGI member, Professor at Insper-SP
  • Jones Manoel da Silva - historiador, escritor, comunicador e educador popular e doutorando no PPGSS/UFAL

WG4 - Official data and copyright

The State has been, historically, an important producer of information. That condition has reached a new level in the digital era, with its opportunities and challenges. Different government agencies make official data available with a variety of topic of formats, such as, for example, the census, statistical bases, reports, videos, booklets and other documents related to the activities performed. How can information be used for the sake of public interest? In a context marked by a new industrial revolution based on digital data, in which information plays a central role, the commercial use of these data by third parties, the relationship with copyright issues, the use of official data for Artificial Intelligence (AI) training and the role of these data in innovation are some of the dimensions that require special attention. In this respect, it is necessary to debate and establish principles and parameters for the production, dissemination and reuse of official data.

Coordinators: Marcelo Benedicto Ferreira, Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics / Coordination General of Social Communication - IBGE/CCS


  • Marcelo Godoy, Producer, TVT Network
  • Paulinho Sacramento - Rio Mapping Festival; Comissão de Igualdade Étnico Racial da Associação Brasileira de Imprensa – ABI
  • Jamile Barreto - Conselho Deliberativo e Diretoria de Igualdade Étnico Racial da Associação Brasileira de Imprensa - ABI

WG5 - Digital literacy

Media and information literacy includes the development of digital competence for critical engagement with information, safe online navigation and the fight against misinformation and hate speech. Additional objectives of media and information literacy are learning how to create reliable information systems and promoting the acquisition of abilities to deal with digital innovations, such as artificial intelligence, in both formal and informal learning environments.

Coordinators: Maria do Carmo Dias Bueno, Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics / Center for Information Documentation and Dissemination - IBGE/CDDI


  • Mariana Ochs - Palavra Aberta Institute
  • Cosette Castro, Brazilian Institute of Information in Science and Technology - IBICT
  • Isabela Mateus de Araújo Torres, Department of Information Recovery - IBGE
  • Renata Cristina Freire Corrêa, Department of Educational Affairs - IBGE
  • Danielle Sampaio Barreiros, Department of Library, Information and Memory – IBGE
  • Sérgio Marcondes, Professor e Consultor em Tecnologia da Informação; MS2 Consultoria

WG6 – Capture of private data

Data are usually collected without proper consent and used for commercial or surveillance purposes, which compromises individual privacy. In the current scenario where information is a valuable asset, it is crucial to create strong public policies and tools that can guarantee the integrity and confidentiality of personal data. Promoting transparency in data collection practices and ensuring that institutions that deal with information adopt strict security measures is essential. Data security is fundamental to build public trust and safeguard the integrity of research and innovation processes in Brazil.
These issues also affect the field of intellectual property and have a direct effect on the choices of technological patterns for several integrated systems such as transport layers, modulation codecs, audio and video compression and middleware.
The costs of broadband implementation, digital television dissemination, the launch of low-orbit satellites, etc.

Coordinators: Bruno de Vizia, Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics / Coordination General of Social Communication - IBGE/CCS

10 minutos - Apresentação do IBGE como subsídios para o debate na Confest Confege:
Grupo 4 – Andrea Diniz da Silva, Escola Nacional de Ciências Estatísticas – ENCE


  • Vicente Macedo de Aguiar, Pessoa & Pessoa Advogados
  • Juarez Silva Filho, Gerência de Atendimento – IBGE
  • Pedro Saliba, Data Privacy Brasil
  • Paulo Hartmann, Avant Garden
  • Tereza Porto, MS2 Consultoria

B – Literacy and teaching

2pm to 5pm

Working groups

WG1: Statistical literacy and points of contact with continued education from the perspective of a national data system

Established to:
Discuss the importance of literacy initiatives in several segments of society: in education, in public management and in social action. Particularly, open dialogues among national data systems and foster statistical literacy, considering the scanning and skimming skills in identifying the information value.

Coordinators: Bianca Walsh, National School of Statistical Sciences - ENCE

10 minutos - Apresentação do IBGE como subsídios para o debate na Confest Confege:
Grupo 4 – Andrea Diniz da Silva, Escola Nacional de Ciências Estatísticas – ENCE


  • Alexandre Silva, Federal University of the State of Rio de Janeiro - UNIRIO
  • Luciane Velasque, Health Secretariat of the State of Rio de Janeiro - SES
  • Mauren Porciúncula, Federal University of Rio Grande - FURG
  • Paulo Mota Medeiros Junior, Data Labe

WG2: IBGE, scientific associations, research centers and social organizations: potentialities and gaps in the information produced

Established to:
Discuss the production of science in Brazil and its interface with the production of statistical and geoscientific data, considering its interaction with society, demands for new methodologies to produce public statistics and the structuring of the governance of the national statistical system in face of contemporary economic, environmental and social challenges.

Coordinators: Cesar Marques da Silva, National School of Statistical Sciences - ENCE


  • Cássio Besarria, National Association of Graduate Programs in Economics - ANPEC
  • Viviana Santiago, Oxfam Brasil
  • Francisco de Assis Mendonça, Sociedade Brasileira para o Progresso da Ciência - SBPC e Universidade Federal do Paraná - UFPR

WG3: Teaching and scientific production in the fields of Population, Territory and Public Statistics in Brazil

Established to: Discuss education and scientific production in the area of demography and regional and urban planning and their interfaces with living conditions, territory and public statistics from the point of view of different coordinators of postgraduate programs of this area at Capes (Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel).

Coordinators: Angelita Carvalho, National School of Statistical Sciences - ENCE


  • Paula Miranda, Center for Regional Development and Planning of the School of Economic Sciences of the Federal University of Minas Gerais - Cedeplar/UFMG
  • Luciana Lima, Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte - UFRN
  • Alberto Augusto Jakob, State University of Campinas - Unicamp
  • Marcelo Gomes Ribeiro, Instituto de Pesquisa e Planejamento Urbano e Regional da Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro - IPPUR/UFRJ

Round table

5pm to 6pm

The risks and opportunities of the Digital Era for Culture

Moderator: Professor Adair Rocha, Rio de Janeiro State University - UERJ


  • Gilberto Gil, former Minister of Culture

(*) On-line participation

August 02, Friday

8am to 9am

Closing session

9am to 12pm

Round table: Presentation of the final report produced by the Working Groups.