Analytical and Policy Needs (APN) |
Dr Shankar Chatterjee (India), "Marketing of Agricultural Produce & Statistics Maintained by Self Help Groups (SHGs): A Case from India" |
Roberto Manolio Valladão Flores, Manoel Xavier Pedroza Filho (Brazil), "Fish consumption in Brazil: is the internal market able to accommodate the strong growth projected for Brazilian aquaculture?" |  |
Mariam ATJ Mapila (Malawi), "The Dynamics of Maize Price Formation in Malawi" | |
Phiko Kavinya (Malawi), "Maize hectarage response to price and non-price incentives in Malawi" | |
Sizoomu Mwamed (Uganda), "Demographic Projections,the Environment and Food Security in Uganda" | |
Gabriel Demombynes, Mikael L. Clason Hook, Espen Beer Prydz (The World Bank), "Measurement of Household Food Insecurity Using High Frequency Data: Evidence from South Sudan" | |
Ana Lúcia Kazan, Paula Marques Meyer (Brazil), "Rural settling in the state of São Paulo: The roles of the sugarcane advance and the remission of livestock production" |  |
Mantoa Mabele (Lesotho), "What are the links between population dynamics and climate change" |  |
Paulo Eterno Venâncio Assunção, Alcido Elenor Wander (Brazil), "Analysis of Cointegration in Brazilian Bean Markets" | |
Relebohile Letele (Lesotho), "Economic analysis of adaptation options to climate change in Lesotho: A cost benefit analysis" |  |
Waltuir Batista Machado, Odilon José de Oliveira Neto (Brazil), "Food safety the reality of family farmers in the municipality of Itapuranga Goiás" |  |
Waltuir Batista Machado, Odilon José de Oliveira Neto (Brazil), "The effects of production diversification and non agricultural income for food stability of family farmers in the municipality of Itapuranga - Goiás" |  |
Adriana Ferreira Silva, Arlei Luiz Fachinello, Geraldo Sant’Ana de Carmargo Barros (Brazil), "Agribusiness GDP for Rio de Janeiro State" | |
Nelissa Jamora, Stephan von Cramon-Taubadel (Germany), "What world price" |  |
Abdinardo Moreira Barreto de Oliveira, Júlia Góes Matos, Brenna Soraia Gomes de Souza (Brazil), "Management of market risk for vegetables: propositions, analyses and reflections on Juazeiro Market Producer, Bahia, Brazil" | |
Paul Guthiga, Maurice Ogada, Joseph Karugia et al. (Kenya), "Measuring impacts of cross-border trade in food staples on household welfare in East Africa" | |
Carlos Andrés Oñate, Haroldo José Torres da Silva, Roberto Arruda de Souza Lima (Brazil), "Calculation of price indices for the sugarcane sector in Brazil" | |
Juliana B. Mendes, Arturo A. Z. Zavala, Carlos Eduardo Feuser et al. (Brazil), "The influence of rural credit in agricultural gross added value" |  |
Priscila Casari, Carlos Bacha (Brazil), "Segmentation of Brazilian labor market and manpower allocation between agricultural and non-agricultural sectors from 2004 to 2009" |  |
T.A. Dharmaratne (Sri Lanka), "Agricultural Market Information System in Sri Lanka: Costs, Transmission, Reliability, Volatility and Adequacy to the Policy Needs" | |
Tanise Dias Freitas, Anelise Graciele Rambo (Brazil), "Index Living Conditions (ILC) Index Livelihoods (IMV): a methodological proposal to measure well-being in rural" |  |
Abiodun Osungade, Abimbola Babalola, Oludare Ariyo (Nigeria), "Mineralization of nitrogen from organic fertilizer in the green house production of tomato and it effect on soil microbial parameters" | |
Habtamu A Terefe (Norway), "Rural household transitory food insecurity and Coping strategies in Ethiopia Highland" |  |
Marcelo Andrade, Julia Strauch (Brazil) "Synthetic indices for family producers in the Northeast of Brazil" |  |
Gemelli Lyra, Otávio Celidônio, Elisa Gomes et al. (Brazil) "Evolution of Brazilian agribusiness and its labor market" | |
Otávio Celidonio, Daniel Ferreira, Fábio da Silva et al. (Brazil) "Beef Cattle Reference Price Methodology for Mato Grosso State - BR" | |
Matieyendou Lamboni, Renate Koeble, Adrian Leip (Italy) "Prediction of Crop Land Shares for Environmental Impact Assessment over EU" |  |
Hazel Jean Malapit, Agnes R. Quisumbing, Ruth Meinzen-Dick (USA) "Understanding the Link between Nutritional Status and Women’s Empowerment in Agriculture: Evidence from Ghana" |  |
G. Bellini, M.A. Liguori, F. Lipizzi et al.(Italy) "Water use for irrigation purpose by agriculture holdings as bases for the production of statistical data at river basin district level" |  |
Washington Pereira Campos, Marina Aparecida da Silveira, Márcio Caliari et al. (Brazil) "Dichotomy between urban and rural areas: statistical data may not reveal the synergy between these two existing spaces" | |
Josiane Souza de Paula, Cassiano Ricardo Dalberto, Liana Bohn (Brazil) "Determinants of Rural Poverty in Brazil: A Spatial Approach" | |
Lucas Pinha, Marília Gomes, Viviani Lírio et al. (Brazil) "The Influence of the International Price on Brazilian Exports of Milk Powder" |  |
Franck Cachia (FAO) "Regional Food Price Inflation Transmission" |  |
Ylva Andrist Rangel, Jan Eriksson, Karin Fägerlind et al.(Sweden) "Coefficients for N and P content of cereals and temporary grasses for use in the Swedish nutrient balances" |  |
Rennaly Patricio Sousa, Kilmer Coelho Campos (Brazil) "Brazilian Livestock Markets: Price Analysis and Forecasts for Cattle and Poultry Productions" |  |
Daniel Ferreira, Otávio Celidonio, Fábio da Silva et al.(Brazil) "Short term outlook for cattle’s stock in Mato Grosso" | |
Julliet Wanjiku, Ogada Maurice Guthiga Paul et al.(Kenya) "Status of intra-COMESA trade in food staples" | |
Luz Josefina González Montoya (Colombia) "Inclusion of questions on environment in agricultural censuses" |  |
Alejandro Bernal, Elsa Hernández, Herbert Sánchez (Colombia) "Present and future of the Agricultural Sector`s Supplying and Price Information System in Colombia - SIPSA and the interaction with the Agricultural Statistical System: some stylized facts" |  |
Rosana Salles-Costa, Michael M. Reichenheim, Emanuele S. Marques et al. (Brazil) "Dimensional structure analysis of the Brazilian Scale of Food Insecurity" | |
Dr Badri Singh Bhandari (India) "Agricultural Prices and Markets in India: Improving Market Efficiency for Price Discovery" | |
Ana Paula Porfirio Da Silva, Marina Brasil Rocha (Brazil) "Use of data on people with disability in rural production units in Brazil: evaluation and improvement proposals "
Institutional Development and Capacity Building (IDCB) |
Nicolau Tadeu Arcaro, Ana Lúcia Kazan (Brazil), "Focus groups: A possible method to improve quantitative agricultural data" |
Shi,kai fen (China), "Research for County-scale estimation on yield of winter wheat based on Spatial Statistic Method" | |
Simon Plešivcnik, Aleš Krajnc (Slovenia), "Use of administrative sources in agricultural statistics; what we gain and what we lose" | |
Rajiv Mehta (FAO), "Understanding rural structures from diverse data sets" |  |
Maria do Carmo Ramos Fasiaben, Aryeverton de Oliveira, Alexandre Maia et al. (Brazil), "Typology of sugarcane production in Brazil: the use of multivariate statistics on municipal data" | |
Vagner Azarias Martins, Carlos Roberto Ferreira Bueno, Denise Viani Caser et al. (Brazil), "Comparison of estimates of area in production of sugar cane in São Paulo" | |
Humberto Silva Augusto, Maria Carolina de Morais, David Montero Dias (Brazil), "Forecasting Municipal Crops in Brazil – A Comparison of Alternatives Data Sources for Better Accuracy of Results" | |
Urbano Abreu, Célia Grego, Maria Fasiaben et al. (Brazil), "Beef cattle stocking rate, a key to the conservation of the pastoral system in Brazilian biomes" | |
Patrick Okello, Joseph Sserugga (Uganda), Ugo Pica-Ciamarra (FAO) et al., "Administrative Records for Official Statistics: Food for Thought on Uganda’s Livestock Data" |
Andrew Henderson, Nicole Lehmann (Australia), "Building a statistical program to support evidence-based policy and relationships within Government" |
Andrew Henderson, Sarah Pitchford (Australia), "ABS’ Rural Environment and Agriculture Statistical Collections into the Future" |
Carlos Alfredo Barreto Guedes, Octávio Costa de Oliveira (Brazil), "The importance of system GCEA to Brazilian agricultural statistics" |
Longin Nsiima (Tanzania), Florian M. Blum (UK), Ugo Pica-Ciamarra (FAO)et al., "Technical Conversion Factors for Agricultural Statistics: Stuck in Oblivion? The Case of Tanzania Livestock Statistics" |
Statistical Production Process (SPP) |
David Makowski, Lucie Michel (France), "Use of Dynamic Linear Model for Predicting Crop Yield Trends in Foresight Studies on Food Security" |
Limakatso Matsoso, Machitja Raphoto, Nomzwakhe Sephoko (Lesotho), "Crop and Yield Forecasting in Lesotho" |
Elisa Gomes, Daniel Ferreira, Gemelli Lyra et al. (Brazil), "Agriculture occupation: a forecast model to Mato Grosso State" |
Carolina Bremm, Carlos Oliveira, Loana Cardoso et al. (Brazil), "Time Series Models for Production and Yield Forecasting in Summer Crops of Southern Brazil" |
Roberto Manolio Valladão Flores, Manoel Xavier Pedroza Filho (Brazil), "An analysis of effects of socio economic variables on fish production of small farmers in the state of Tocantins, Brazil" |
Chanchal Pramanik, Samantak Das, Mallikarjuna M G (India), "Computation of Agriculture: Decision Support e-Portal" |
Flavio Bolliger, Octávio Costa de Oliveira (Brazil), "PNAG: Brazilian project for an annual survey on agricultural activity "
Andrea Lamas (USA), "Adjustment Methodologies for the Census of Agriculture" |
Denise Abreu, Wendy Barboza, Matt Deaton et. al (USA), "Using County Assessor’s Records to Improve Data Collection Efforts for the June Area Survey" |