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General information


Registrar's office

The registrar's office will be open from November 05 to 07 of 2014, from 08:00am to 5:00pm. Badges and printed material will be provided at the reception.


Audio visual equipment

All rooms will be equiped with a computer, a video projector for presentations and a screen. Speakers should use a pen drive or a CD ROM for their presentations. All versions of MS PowerPoint are acceptable, except for Mac. Please note that the use of personal laptops will not be allowed for the presentations. It is required that speakers hand in all material (pen drive or CD ROM) at least an hour before their scheduled time for the presentation and be in the conference room at least 10 minutes before the beginning of each session. 



Seminar badges are absolutely necesssary for admission and access to conference rooms and exhibition halls.


Coffee break and lunch

All registered participants are invited to the coffee breaks, as indicated in the schedule. Lunch is not included.



The official language of the event is Portuguese. Some sessions will have simultaneous interpretation from English to Portuguese.


Internet access

Free wireless Internet access will be provided. Participants can use their own laptops. In addition, computers with Internet access will be made available.



Conteúdo acessível em Libras usando o VLibras Widget com opções dos Avatares Ícaro, Hosana ou Guga. Conteúdo acessível em Libras usando o VLibras Widget com opções dos Avatares Ícaro, Hosana ou Guga.