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Thematic sessions


Scheduled thematic sessions:


Code Theme Panelist Institution Title Day/time
ST1 Challenges of collecting sensitive data and in hard-to-reach populations Maria Lúcia Franca Pontes Vieira IBGE/DPE/COREN Experience collecting anthropometric data for household surveys 11/5/2014 2:00 pm
Sonia Oliveira IBGE/DPE/GTD Street Population: Conceptual, methodological and operational constraints
Cimar Azeredo IBGE/DPE/COREN Challenges of obtaining clinical examination results in the National Health Survey - PNS
ST2 Database Integration Alexandre Nixon Soratto INMETRO Metrological verification in Brazil 11/5/2014 2:00 pm
Santiago Falluh Varella Court’s Survey Division/CNJ Court Report in Figures
Hesley Py IBGE/DI National Spatial Data Infrastructure (NSDI) as a model platform for open source data integration
ST3 Using administrative records Claudio Crespo IBGE Using vital records to produce statistics 11/6/2014 2:00 pm
Rigan González DATAPREV Using administrative records for information dissemination: Dataprev’s experience
José Alberto Maia Ministry of Labor and Employment eSocial – A new way to record labor events
ST4 New Technologies for obtaining geospatial database Hortensia Maria Barboza de Assis CPRM Coastal Mapping using Bathymetric Lidar 11/6/2014 2:00 pm
Leandro Gregório / Rodrigo Couto IBRAM - Instituto Brasília Ambiental Feature extraction in orbital images through object-oriented analysis. A case study in the Federal District.
Rogerio Luis Ribeiro Borba IBGE Collaborative IDEs
ST5 Collection methodology for producing fishery statistics Antonio Olinto A. Da Silva Fishery Institute - SP Census-Based Landing Surveys 11/6/2014 4:30 pm
José Augusto Aragão IBAMA Sample-Based Landing Surveys
Aristides Pereira Lima Green IBGE/DPE/COAGRO System of Fishery Administrative Records
Session Coordinator: Paul Kinas FURG  
ST6 Collaborative mapping Arlindo Saraiva Pereira Junior Caos Design Open Street Map 11/6/2014 4:30 pm
Julia Strauch IBGE/ENCE Challenges of collaborative mapping
Luiz Henrique Guimarães Castiglione UERJ Collaborative Geographic Data: who validates them?
ST7 Experiences and institutional scenarios for municipal data integration Eglaísa Micheline Pontes Cunha Ministry of the Cities Yet to be defined 11/6/2014
4:30 pm
Cristiane Nunes Francisco Geosciences Institute /UFF GIS Project: Cities in Rio de Janeiro
Romay Conde Garcia IBGE/DGC/CETE Municipal Legislation and the Planning of the Mesh of the Enumeration Areas
ST8 Using the web in IBGE’s data collections for surveys Andrea Borges Paim IBGE/DPE/GTD Using the Internet in the 2010 Census data collection phase 11/7/2014 10:30 am
Marcos Rodrigues Pinto IBGE/DI The evolution of data collection support systems for censuses and household surveys
Marcio Tadeu Vieira IBGE/DI Using the web for data collection in economic surveys
ST9 Big Data - market. Fabio Freitas Dotlegend/Boa lista Collaborative information collection 11/7/2014 10:30 pm
Christian Aranha Cortex Intelligence Big Data applications
Adriana Boscov    
Global Reporting International   Collecting data for sustainability reporting
ST10 ICT uses in the data collection of IBGE’s surveys  (except web). Alessandro Pinheiro IBGE/DPE/COIND Computer-Assisted Telephone Interviewing (CATI) as a support system to IBGE’s Survey of Technological Innovation (PINTEC) 11/7/2014 2:00 pm
Marco Andreazzi IBGE/DPE/COPIS Collection technologies in the National Survey of School Health (PeNSE)
Davi Faria Rocha IBGE/DI The evolution of mobile equipments used in the data collection of the censuses and surveys
ST11 Big Data - academy and statistics. Francisco Louzada USP Statistical inferences using Big Data 11/7/2014
2:00 pm
Stefano De Francisci ISTAT (Itália) ISTAT's experiences with Big Data
Siim Esko Positium LBS/Estonia  Mobile positioning data - Big Data source for tourism, travel, population, migration statistics



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