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Challenges of collecting sensitive data and in hard-to-reach populations

Experiences with anthropometric data collection in household surveys

Maria Lúcia Franca Pontes Vieira, IBGE/DPE/COREN

The National Health Survey is a household survey which, besides collecting general data of the residents, took also their anthropometric measures (weight, height and waist) as well as their blood pressure. This presentation will focus on the training of the interviewers, the structure of the field teams, the type of supervision and the difficulties in the collection phase.


Street Population: Conceptual, methodological and operational constraints

Sonia Oliveira, IBGE/DPE/GTD

Decree no 7053, of December 23 of 2009, established the National Policy for Street Population and created the Intersectoral Committee to monitor it. Articles 13 and 14 state, respectively, that the Foundation Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics - IBGE and the Foundation Institute for Applied Economic Research - IPEA give the necessary support to the Committee in the scope of their respective areas, while the Secretariat of Human Rights of the Presidency would give the technical/administrative support and the necessary resources to carry out the works. The presentation will offer a hisorical overview of the agreements among these bodies which culminated in a pilot test conducted in the city of Rio de Janeiro, in November of 2013, under the supervision of IBGE. The test, preceded by a brief training given by IBGE, consisted of applying a questionnaire to 100 people in the streets. The presentation aims at bringing up the several difficulties faced by the teams, both conceptual and methodological ones, as well as the operational issues.


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