ICT uses in the data collection of IBGE’s surveys (except web)
Computer-Assisted Telephone Interviewing (CATI) as a support system to IBGE’s Survey of Technological Innovation (PINTEC)
Alessandro de O. Maia Pinheiro, IBGE/DPE/Coind
In complex scenarios, characterized by budgetary and human resource constraints, it becomes necessary to think of and share alternatives to face obstacles in the context of statistical information production. The Innovation Survey (PINTEC) of IBGE is a good example of how Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) can significantly contribute to make new forms of survey conduction possible. This presentation will aproach the channals by which such tools can improve the collection process, producing, as a result, good quality statistics, internationally recognized.
Tecnologias de coleta na Pesquisa Nacional de saúde do Escolar (PeNSE)
Marco Andreazzi, IBGE/DPE/Copis
IGBE, by means of PeNSE, carried out in 2009, the first national survey directly focused on teenagers, about risk factors and health protection. Unprecedented, both in method and in scope, PeNSE dared to use innovative Technologies, such as Personal Digital Assistants (PDA), in 2009 and Smartphones in 2012, which allowed the student to answer directly to an electronic questionnaire, with no need for the interviewer’s interference. With this innovative collection technology, PeNSE allows the student (with privacy and confidentiality) to answer questions about socio-demographic characteristics, food intake, body image, tobacco, alcohol and other drugs consumption, physical activities, sexual behavior and other topics. Since the first edition, smartphones or PDAs were used with a structured, self-applicable questionnaire and thematic modules with a different number of questions. Those instruments make it possible for the student to directly answer the questionnaire, allowing interaction when selecting questions, detailing or skipping, with no need for the interviewer to intervene, except when there are doubts, which should be cleared up without preventing the autonomy of the respondent. Thus, answers became more reliable, since the embarrassment usually seen in some of the survey topics was avoided. Adolescence is a peculiar phase, it is the transition between childhood and adulthood, with physical and emotional changes, expanded socialization, non-linear evolution of experiences and autonomy, inclusively in the sexual area. Teenagers go through biological, cognitive, emotional and social changes while experiencing an important moment as to the adoption of new habits, behavior and autonomy. They become also susceptible to several situations that involve present and future health risks. The exposition to several behavioral risk factors, such as tobacco addiction, alcohol consumption, inadequate intake and sedentary lifestyle, usually begin in the adolescence. These factors are associated with the development of most of chronicle non-transmittable diseases, such as heart diseases, diabetes and cancer, which lead death causes in adulthood in Brazil and in the world. PeNSE approaches several important topics and issues in order to get to know student’s health: socio-economic factors, social and family contexts; habitual intake; experimentation and use of cigarettes, alcohol and other drugs; sexual and reproductive health; violence, security and accidents; labor among students; hygiene habits, mental health, among others. The method, besides providing a better interaction with the interviewer, assuring more confidence and confidentiality of the information, allows the simultaneous application of the questionnaire to several students and eliminates the codification and data entry phases, making it possible to save time and resources. This presentation aims at disseminating PeNSE’s methodology, its challenges and opportunities, for a wider and improved use of it, since it is now being adopted by other institutions and in health-related surveys.
Davi Faria Rocha, IBGE/DI
Historicamente o projeto censo é um dos grandes responsáveis pela inserção de novas tecnologias na instituição, e no censo 2000 foi realizada uma primeira iniciativa com o uso de 1000 equipamentos (aero 1500 pocket pc) para fins de coleta da folha resumo. Estes aparelhos permitiam a instalação de aplicativos desenvolvidos e customizados por técnicos do IBGE para uso especificamente na operação do censo demográfico e transferiam os dados coletados para um microcomputador e estes dados eram enviados ao ambiente central via linha discada. O desafio agora é buscar aproveitar toda a evolução dos dispositivos móveis, tais como smartphones e tablets, que trouxe interfaces mais amigáveis, telas maiores com animações, comunicação direta com sistemas de posicionamento via satélite, mapas que auxiliam a orientação em campo, reconhecimento de voz para substituir e/ou minimizar o uso das telas sensíveis para navegação e entrada de dados, alto poder de processamento e conexão direta com a internet .