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Database Integration

Inmetro's experience using external data in planning and actions

Alexandre Nixon Soratto e Flávia Rohrs, INMETRO

After a brief overview on Inmetro’s services, two experiences will be presented concerning external data access and organization as a way of giving support to the planning and execution of institution’s actions. The first experience refers to access to RAIS (MTE) database and the development of SIMCS, which is the Monitoring System of the Service Coverage of the Brazilian Network of Legal Metrology and Quality (RBMLQ-I). Among other uses, SIMC identifies the universe of enterprises subject to regulation, points out the geographic areas and economic sectors with a low coverage of metrological services or inspection and establishes fair criteria of performance comparison for the 26 Bodies under the Brazilian Network of Legal Metrology and Quality (RBMLQ-I). The second experience consists of the access to the data from the National Agency of Land Transportation (ANTT). With those data, Inmetro has been able to get to know the universe of vehicles using tachographs and which are, as a consequence, susceptible to the periodic metrological verification carried out by the Bodies of the RBMLQ-I. The data obtained will open space to several studies, for example to encourage the installation of new tachograph centers in Brazil.


National Spatial Data Infrastructure (NSDI) as a model platform for open source data integration

Hesley da Silva Py, IBGE/DI

Data integration is not a new theme; on the contrary, it is very well known and has been being studied for some decades. Many solutions have been proposed; however, despite all advances reached, eadh day new issues emerge, requiring new studies. Among those issues is teh possibility of integrating semistructured data (available, for instance, in social media) and the collaborative data production (e.g. Open Street Map)These new challenges demonstrate the necessity to revisit some existing solutions to the integration problem so as to adequate them to the new reality. Integration of data related to the same concept, available in several heterogeneous repositories which coexist in a institution (more controlled environment) and the integration of complementary data, coming from different sources (dynamic environment), to generate the necessary information to support decision making. This presentation will depict the contexts in which the integration issue occurs, point out possible solutions and, based on INDE’s case, show how the insertion of time and space components, coupled with the adoption of standards, can be useful in the integration of data for users who will access information as a way to support decision making and exercise citizenship.


Court in figures: a decade of information on the Brazilian Judicial Power

Santiago Falluh Varella

This presentation will show the ten-year trajectory of the Court Report in Figures. It is the Brazilian Judicial System major source of information at national level, compiled every year since the creation of the National Council of Justice. Emphasis is given to the institutional practices aimed at operationalizing the data collection, including the phases of criticism and final compilation of the information given individually by each one of the 94 courts. Besides giving an overview of the project, other topics will be addressed, such as: future challenges regarding this source of information, its potentialities and ways of adapting them to heterogeneous institutional realities.  



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