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Experiences and institutional scenarios for municipal data integration

GISProject: Cities in Rio de Janeiro

Cristiane Nunes Francisco, Goesciences Institute/UFF

This presentation will discuss results and impressions of project GISCities, an initiative of the Ministry of Cities, coordinated in Rio de Janeiro by the Fluminense Federal University (UFF) since 2008. The project aims at developing actions of capacity building for municipal technicians of the state of Rio de Janeiro in the areas of treatment and management of geographic data in GIS for municipal spatial planning.


Municipal Legislation and the Planning of the Mesh of the Enumeration Areas

Romay Conde Garcia , DGC-CETE/IBGE

The presentation will contextualize the challenges of monitoring and updating the legal framework of the spatial arrangement of municipal territories and its consequences on the planning of IBGE's Territorial Base. Moreover, the presentation will address the possibilities of data integration, methodological actions and challenges. 


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