Using the web in IBGE data collections for surveys
Evaluating Data Collection through the Internet in the 2010 Population Census
Andréa Borges Paim e Rodrigo Aires Lemes, IBGE
The present work aimed at the evaluation of the information collected through the Internet in the 2010 Population Census and at the identification of a specific set of households and residents who answered the questionnaires through the Internet. In order to assess the consistency of the information obtained from the questionnaire filled out in the Internet for the 2010 Population Census, the sets were compared in terms of type of filling out (Internet or Personal Digital Assistant – PDA) and type of questionnaire (basic or sample). Results are presented by themes and indicate the existence of a particular profile of households which used the Internet as a means of answering the 2010 Population Census. Therefore, data collection through the Internet was indicated for sectors with a higher income concentration and higher percentage of refusal. The study concluded that there was gain of quality in the information given through the Internet, especially in relation to more delicate issues, such as disabilities and personal income.
Evolution of support systems to data collection in censuses and household surveys
Marcos Rodrigues Pinto, IBGE/DI
The construction of a support system for the data collection of the 2010 Population Census presupposed the construction of high availability systems, which could work in hard-to-reach places, with little or none connectivity with the Internet. Such premises implied the assemblage of a technological structure for off-line collection stations, which could execute data collection in whatever structural circumstances.By the end of the Census and beginning of the works in the architecture of the household surveys, there was the necessity to boost the management of the collection indicators.Besides, there was a great opportunity to migrate data processing from the collection carried out by the agency to IBGE’s private cloud. This new model, called SIGPCWEB, was adopted with great success in PNADs, PNS, CNEFE and Continuous Census, and brought several advantages for the collection network, such as the monitoring of the indicators in real time by SIGC and the possibility of synchronizing PDAs outside the agencies. This new solution paved the way for a new model of collection managing systems, in which information centralization and computing capacity promote more rapidity, safety and closer management of data collection.
Using the web for data collection in economic surveys
Márcio Tadeu M. Vieira, IBGE/DI
This presentation aims at giving a historical overview and the state of the art of the use of the Internet in the data collection of economic surveys carried out by IBGE, with a higlight to short-tem surveys and the advantages of the use of technoplogy. Aspects such as usability, portability and safety will be addressed, as well as future possibilities.